Our Stories
Ella is a world-class rower, but at NMH, she’s able to pursue a range of other passions, too, from film to fiber arts to Circle of Sisters, an affinity group for girls of color.
Alex — a soccer player, skier, photographer, tour guide, radio host, and tutor — is motivated by a desire to connect with and contribute to the NMH community.
While NMH is far from her home in Nigeria, Oma found that the school’s welcoming atmosphere and opportunities for connection helped ease the adjustment.
Editor of NMH’s student newspaper, The Lamplighter, Tory wants to use journalism to amplify unheard voices and shed light on overlooked stories, including debunking myths about homelessness.
Back home in New Mexico, Deshayne was used to being like most everyone else, a Navajo resident of a small community, at a small school. NMH has opened up new experiences and opportunities for him.
Michael’s passions include jazz and economics, peer education and interfaith activities. The common thread: his desire to keep learning and to be the best he can be.
From the moment she first toured campus, Anisha felt a sense of community and connection at NMH — from clubs to the classroom to the communal space of the dining hall.
A competitive skier and field hockey player, Sage is also an Ecoleader, working on sustainability efforts on campus and beyond. To her, being involved is part of the NMH culture.
At NMH, Sofia has been able to pursue her passions, from music to athletics to academics, without feeling like any one interest has to take a back seat to others.
Sasha plans to major in environmental engineering in college, with a focus on renewable energy, and wants to work on building sustainable communities.
At NMH, Meena has been able to pursue multiple interests deeply, from accelerating her math study to serving as a campus Ecoleader to taking part in honors jazz combo and honors ballet.
While sports has been an important part of Nick’s NMH experience, he says, he appreciates that he’s had opportunities to explore other passions, too.
Alejandra has tried out a number of new things at NMH, from performing in the spring musical to organizing a student entrepreneurship fair.
Efe is proud of the confidence and leadership skills he’s developed at NMH, which have helped him in his role as a dorm resident leader.
Angus won the top prize in the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair for designing an artificial lead that can generate oxygen and electricity.
Ashley’s passion for social justice blossomed at NMH, where she explored her interests in the classroom and in leadership positions.
Bogdan, who came to NMH from Russia, enjoyed the challenges and opportunities offered by his time here.
Dennis cherishes connections made on sports teams, in student government, in the dorm, and in affinity groups.
At NMH, Dory pursued her interest in the outdoors and the environment through athletics and in the classroom.
At NMH, Josh found community and distinguished himself as an honors student, a versatile athlete, and a campus leader.
Maya found creative expression as a filmmaker, DJ, visual artist, and musician at NMH.
Oumou spent one year at NMH, as a postgraduate – an experience that helped shape her and prepare her for college.
NMH gave Sailor the confidence to take risks and leave her comfort zone.
After attending a small middle school, Sam was excited for the broader opportunities and challenges of NMH.
The NMH community helped Tiff expand her horizons, try new things, and develop as a leader.
Valedictorian Willow excelled in the classroom, on stage, and in leadership positions at NMH.
At NMH, Wilson thrived in the classroom and in activities from Model UN to Ecoleaders to swimming.