Join Us
Take charge of your own education
We understand that you want a learning experience that's right for you.
Maybe you’re eager to challenge yourself academically, explore new subjects, and dig deeper into the areas that excite you.
Maybe you want a more stimulating environment, where you’ll be surrounded by dedicated teachers and classmates who are motivated to learn.
Maybe you crave more opportunities to explore your passions and discover new ones in athletics, the arts, community service, and student leadership.
Your curiosity and passion have landed you here, and we’re ready to help you maximize your potential.
Is NMH the place for you to thrive?
The best way to find out is to come and see for yourself.
Your journey is waiting for you to create it – and we’re here to help you do just that.
Admission counselors are excited to meet you and guide you through the process.
Come get to know us and help us get to know you.
- Tour our campus and have an interview.
- Attend an admission event
At our Mastering the Application Process online workshop series, you’ll get expert advice on preparing your boarding school applications.
Our admission counselors are excited to meet you and guide you through the process.
Your NMH Opportunities
How will you take charge of your education? Here are just some of the possibilities. When you partner with NMH, the sky’s the limit.
Take an advanced study in multivariable calculus, linear algebra, or number theory.
Join the Math Team and compete on local, national, and international levels.
Get extra help with homework from faculty and fellow students.
Take courses in biology, chemistry, environmental science, physics, astronomy, bioethics, forensic science, and more.
Study science and math in the brand-new Gilder Center, or astronomy in our own observatory.
Get hands-on lessons in sustainability and biology at the NMH farm.
English, Religious Studies, and Humanities
Explore big questions in classes such as Shared Voices: Interdisciplinary U.S. History and American Literature and Global Ethics and Climate Change.
Take popular English electives, including The Ancient Epic, Literature and the Environment, Queer Lives and Literature, and The Future: Utopian and Dystopian Fiction.
Try out Multimedia Storytelling or advanced courses in literary theory and rhetoric.
History and Social Science
Explore unique courses such as NMH History in Context, Government and Civil Liberties, and In Their Footsteps: Rethinking Women’s History, from Amazon Warriors to the Pussycat Dolls.
Take introductory and advanced social science electives, economics, psychology, and courses in U.S. and world history.
World Languages
Study Spanish, French, Chinese, Latin, or Arabic.
Teach language courses at local elementary schools.
Take advanced courses and participate in language-travel trips to China, Uruguay, or France.
Visual Arts
Get creative in painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, digital design, photography, animation, and video courses.
Try out the ceramics, design, drawing, painting, and printmaking studios, digital photography studio, and traditional darkroom at the Rhodes Art Center.
Build your portfolio in advanced courses. (NMH grads go on to study at top art and design programs!)
Global Experiences
Gain an international perspective in every academic subject – even math and science.
Find community and celebrate and share cultures in an affinity group.
International students make up 25% of the NMH student body!
Dorm Life
Live in a first-year dorm as a 9th grader and mixed-grade dorms in the years beyond.
Connect with advisors and dorm faculty, and make lifelong friendships.
Day students: You’re also affiliated with a dorm, where you can hang out, study with friends, and even sleep over on the weekends!
Weekend Fun
Take part in Friday night intramurals, with dodgeball, basketball, broom hockey, indoor soccer, and swimming.
Hop on a shuttle to nearby Greenfield and catch a movie, go shopping, or grab a bite.
Hang out in the Blake Student Center, with its snack bar, bookstore, lounge, and student activity space, or grab coffee with friends at The Time Out Cafe.
Compete in one of the broadest prep-school athletics programs in the country, with 67 teams in 19 interscholastic sports (and a place for everyone!).
Mountain bike, rock-climb, or canoe in our Outdoor Program.
Try something new, such as snowboarding or yoga, in our PE program.
Performing Arts
Perform in one of the 60 annual dance, theater, and music productions.
Join an a cappella singing group, world percussion ensemble, concert choir, or jazz ensemble.
Dance ballet, modern, jazz, tap, and hip-hop.
Take classes in acting, playwriting, directing, and theater design and technology.
History and Social Science
Explore unique courses such as “NMH History in Context,” “Government and Civil Liberties,” and “In Their Footsteps: Rethinking Women’s History, from Amazon Warriors to the Pussycat Dolls.”
Take introductory and advanced social science electives, economics, psychology, and courses in U.S. and world history.
Workjob Program
Help serve and sustain your community during your four-hour-per-week “workjob,” one of the oldest NMH traditions.
(Common workjobs include dining services baker, admission engagement leader, snack bar staff, tutor, custodial staff, library aide … even maple-syrup maker!)
Help keep campus green through initiatives like the Green Cup Challenge, Food Systems Teach-in, and NMH20.
Learn in the “greenest” building on campus: the Gilder Center, which meets sustainability standards laid out in the global “2030 Challenge.”
(NMH has reduced our carbon footprint by 70% since 2006!)
Service Learning
Make a difference through 20+ volunteer opportunities.
Take part in Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Habitat for Humanity, Connecticut River cleanup, mobile food bank days, Operation Happy Birthday, or volunteer at a local elementary school.
Take on one of 25+ student leadership opportunities, from Engagement Leaders to Ecoleaders, from Global Ambassadors to Resident Leaders.
(There are 200+ positions available!)
Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice
Explore and celebrate diverse identities around race, ethnicity, religion, sexual and gender identity, and nationality through activism, student organizations, classwork, and special events and programs.
Connect and build community in one of 20 affinity groups.
Student Clubs
Join one of 56 student-run clubs and 20 community affinity groups.
Choose a performance club, such as a singing group or hip-hop dance crew, a campus chapter of Amnesty International and other social issues clubs, or academic clubs like the Model UN or debate team.